This book isn't just about equations and formulas—it's about unlocking the potential of machine learning through a strong mathematical intuition. Nibedita's clear explanations, illustrative examples, and practical insights ensure that you not only grasp the core concepts but also discover how they...
电子书《Mathematics for Machine Learning》机器学习的数学 pdf格式,下载地址 这是一本关于机器学习的数学书籍,旨在激励人们学习数学概念。这本书不打算涵盖高级机器学习技术,因为已经...
由Marc Peter Deisenroth,A Aldo Faisal 和 Cheng Soon Ong 撰写的《机器学习数学基础》“Mathematics for Machine Learning” 最新版 417 页 pdf 版本已经放出,作者表示撰写这本书旨在激励人们学习数学概念。 这本书并不打算涵盖前沿的机器学习技术,因为已经有很多书这样做了。相反,作者的目标是通过该书提供阅读其他...
'This book provides great coverage of all the basic mathematical concepts for machine learning. I'm looking forward to sharing it with students, colleagues, and anyone interested in building a solid understanding of the fundamentals.' —— McGill University ...
Mathematics for Machine Learning官方链接: ChatGPT和KIMI机翻,人工润色 非数学专业,如有错误,请不吝指出 2.8 仿射空间 接下来,我们将更详细地考察从原点偏移的空间,即不再是向量子空间的空间。此外,我们还将简要讨论这些仿射空间之间映射的性质,这些映射类似于线性映射。 ::This self-contained textbook introduces all the relevant mathematical concepts needed to understand and use machine learning methods, with a minimum of prerequisites. Topics include linear algebra, analytic geometry, matrix decompositions, vector calculus, optimization, prob...
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Mathematics for Machine Learning官方链接: ChatGPT和KIMI机翻,人工润色 非数学专业,如有错误,请不吝指出 2.5 线性无关( Linear Independence) 接下来,我们将仔细看看如何操作向量(向量空间的元素)。特别是,我们可以将向量相加并用标量相乘。闭合性(closure property)保证了我们最终得到的还是同一...
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Concerned whether or not the book is worth your time? Don't take my word for it; check out what these heavy-hitters have to say: This book provides great coverage of all the basic mathematical concepts for machine learning. I’m looking forward to sharing it with students, colleagues, and...