5 Year Impact Factor0.7 Cite Score1.8 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)20 Social Media Mentions432 Downloads249,602 Combinatorica Impact Factor1 5 Year Impact Factor1.2 Cite Score1.9 Social Media Mentions55 Downloads53,862 Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems Impact Factor1.8...
此次参与会议的栏目 (Section) 为: “Dynamical Systems”; “Computational and Applied Mathematics”; “Mathematics and Computer Science”; “Fuzzy Sets, Systems and Decision Making”; “Probability and Statistics”; “Financial Mathematics”; “Network Science”; “Mathematical Physics”; “Difference and...
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS, China ProfessorGennian Ge Capital Normal University, China ProfessorMeinolf Geck University of Stuttgart, Germany ProfessorXuming He University of Michigan, USA ProfessorKrause Henning Bielefeld University, Germany ...
5-year Journal Impact Factor 1.7 (2023) Submission to first decision (median) 4 days Downloads 53,841 (2024) Calls for papers Collection Data-driven systems and control: analysis, modelling, optimisation, and stochasticity In recent years we have seen a rapid increase in the development of nov...
Journal Impact Factor 1 SIAM REVIEW 11.431 2 Nonlinear Analysis-Hybrid Systems 5.881 3 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 4.115 4 Forum of Mathematics Pi 3.857 5 APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS 3.848 6 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL 3.503 7 APPLIED MATHEMATICS...
MATHEMATICS 274 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE DISCRETE MATH THEOR 1462-7264 335 0.723 0.762 MATHEMATICS 275 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics ADV APPL MATH MECH 2070-0733 280 0.763 0.761 MATHEMATICS 276 MATHEMATISCHE NACHRICHTEN MATH NACHR 0025-584X 2,058 0.742 0.76...
Journal Impact Factor 171 Kyoto Journal of Mathematics 0.760 172 Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 0.755 173 ANNALS OF PURE AND APPLIED LOGIC 0.752 174 Review of Symbolic Logic 0.750 174 TRANSFORMATION GROUPS 0.750 176 JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA 0.745 177 Groups Geometry and Dynamics 0.742 177 JOURNAL OF...
Each issue is dedicated to a specific area of engineering and applied mathematics. Follows a single-blind peer review process. Editor-in-Chief Harishankar Ramachandran Journal Impact Factor 1.2 (2023) 5-year Journal Impact Factor 1.1 (2023) Submission to first decision (median) 32 days Dow...
Journal Impact Factor 171 Kyoto Journal of Mathematics 0.760 172 Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 0.755 173 ANNALS OF PURE AND APPLIED LOGIC 0.752 174 Review of Symbolic Logic 0.750 174 TRANSFORMATION GROUPS 0.750 176 JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA 0.745 177 Groups Geometry and Dynamics 0.742 177 JOURNAL OF...
5-year Journal Impact Factor 0.8 (2023) Downloads 70,565 (2023) Latest issue December 2024Volume 264, Issue 1 View all volumes and issues Latest articles A short proof of Rubin’s theorem James Belk Luna Elliott Francesco Matucci OriginalPaper18 December 2024 ...