Attack Girls' Swim Team Versus the Undead (2007) IMDB *** Hilarious Z grade horror scene, where the maths teacher turns into a zombie while asking a word problem. Then he starts chopping off limbs using his metal rulers. Clip on our maths clips page. ...
Thus, the appropriate word is “or”. However, some calculus students write the solution as “x < 1 and x > 3,” by which they mean “the points x that satisfy x < 1, and also the points x that satisfy x > 3” — thus they are using “and” for ∪ (union). Though such st...
Thus, the appropriate word is “or”. However, some calculus students write the solution as “x < 1 and x > 3,” by which they mean “the points x that satisfy x < 1, and also the points x that satisfy x > 3” — thus they are using “and” for ∪ (union). Though such st...
UFWORD displayOperatorMinHeight Minimum height of n-ary operators (such as integral and summation) for formulas in display mode (that is, appearing as standalone page elements, not embedded inline within text). MathValueRecord mathLeading White space to be left between math formulas to ensure pr...
If you guess a letter that is not in the hidden word, then the hangman starts to build the gallows. If the gallows are completed, you lose. Good luck! Hide Instructions ? ? ? ? ? Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M Create Your Own Version ...
C2 said “One, two, three, four {Touched the squares individually as she said the number word (see Fig. 17)}, five {touches boat square for second time}”. T placed the Blue-Bot on the corner square, where C2 started to count. This suggested that C2 could identify a path for the...
We define “teacher conceptions” as what goes on in a teacher’s mind that influences theirFootnote3response to classroom situations and is not an in-the-moment interpretation of classroom occurrences, such as student remarks. The word “conceptions” is used as a “general category containing ...
Simple variable means that it named without unique symbols and starts with a letter. Only one extra symbol is possible, it's "_" Some examples: "25 + myArgument - 1" "25 + myArg1 - 2" "arg5684argArg_arg" "25 + myArgument_newAge - 3" ...
A=T…T︸9H,T…T︸10H,…. Example 7 Recording the number of traffic accidents that occur in a specified location within a certain period of time. The appropriate sample space here is S={0,1,…,M} for a suitable number M. If M is sufficiently large, then S is taken to be: S={...
The very first word “Donc” lets us suppose that it was part of a lost ensemble, the scope of which is impossible to evaluate. 3. Mathematical study We must now turn to the truly geometrical aspect of the document under study. Partly amputated, the reasoning is difficult to follow. ...