Stretching of Dynamic Mathematical Symbols Taking Care of Similarity and Geometric Characterization Similarly, students can adopt written mathematical communication by using text, figures, tables, pictures, diagrams, or mathematical symbols to provide critical evidence of their mathematics ideas and concepts ...
Symbol Symbol Name = equals sign | perpendicular ≠ not equal sign || parallel > strict inequality ≅ congruent to < strict inequality ~ similarity ≥ inequality Δ triangle ≤ inequality |x-y| distance ( ) parentheses π pi constant [ ] brackets rad radians + plus sign grad grads − m...
At the same time, retrieval of structured information such as mathematical expressions is an important need for modern IR systems. In this work, our motivation is to introduce a robust framework for learning representations for similarity based retrieval of mathematical expressions. Given a query by ...
The subsequent steps of the process (Fig. 1) are the clustering and the indexing. The comparison between the shape contexts can provide a very accurate evaluation of the similarity between symbols. ...Mathematical symbol indexing - Marinai, Miotti, et al. - 2009...
145). I cannot modify the properties of my innate ideas. I cannot modify things in such a way that the three angles of the triangle are not equal to two right angles, and I cannot modify my ideas in such a way that God doesn't exist. In other words, the main similarity between the...
Intriguingly, Knuth's explanation of the working principles in terms of boxes and glue, the boxes being the sorts and the glue variable amounts of space, shows similarity to the physical workings of the Monotype machine, with which Knuth was familiar. The fixed-size of a box dictates a ...
Davila K, Agarwal A, Gaborski R, Zanibbi R, Ludi S (2013) Accessmath: indexing and retrieving video segments containing math expressions based on visual similarity. In: IEEE western New York image processing workshop, pp 14–17. ...
In addition, we consider some more standard metrics: the intersection over union (IOU)49, peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR)50,51, and structural similarity (SSIM)52. We use \(\texttt {jaccard}\), \({\texttt {psnr}}\), and \({\texttt {ssim}}\) in Matlab to compute IOU, PSNR,...
Actually, this formal similarity cannot be translated into mathematical arguments, simply because there is no pressure in [25]. In other terms, the divergence-free constraint divB=0 simply propagates in time in [25] (note that the right-hand side curlh is also divergence-free by construction...
We introduce a new system for layout-based indexing and retrieval of mathematical expressions using substitution trees. Substitution trees can efficiently store and find hierarchically-structured data based on similarity. Previously Kolhase and Sucan applied substitution trees to indexing mathematical expressi...