Mathematics to-day, OECD, Paris, 1964, pp. 290–308 (summary and resolutions), esp. pp. 294–96, 298, 300, 306–7. The Stanford Conference (December 1964) on The Learning of Mathematics by Young Children. Mathematics in primary education (Unesco Institute for Education, Hamburg, 1966, ...
The way in which the information is stored in the MML is a key property of the library. The basic library import/export unit is an article, resembling the conventional publication practice of mathematical papers. Initially, the article’s authors decide which definitions and statements they would ...
aIt is interesting to note that since Le Corbusier discovered the mathematical relationships of his Modulor,he found other ancient examples with this underlying harmonious principle:Abbey of Choalis near paris;an ancient Byzantium church in Kahrie;and the doorway of the Grand Seraglio at Istanbul,amo...
Brief History of Time" Stephen Hawking mentions that monkeys pounding away on keyboards will "very occasionally" by pure chance type out one of Shakespeare's sonnets. The calculation for the sonnet "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day" shows that the chance is about 1 in 10690 i.e. ...
(1899) and his incendiary proclamation, at the international congress of mathematicians in Paris (1900), of a list of tasks for the 20th century; among them a formal proof of the consistency of the axioms of arithmetic under the rules of classical logic. A formal consistency proof is not ...
Sci. Paris, Série 1., 332 (2001), pp. 1071-1076 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Arino et al., 1997 O. Arino, E. Sánchez, G. Webb Necessary and sufficient conditions for asynchronous exponential growth in age structured cell populations with quiescence J. Math. Anal. Appl., 215 (1997),...
In this paper, I address some mathematically stated questions in this spirit, discussing, in particular: (1) How could lateral amacrine cell connectivity shape the spatio-temporal spike response of retinal ganglion cells? (2) How could spatio-temporal stimuli correlations and retinal network ...
Second, this mathematical model was not able to accurately describe the change in experimentally determined probability of host infection with increasing viral doses. Third and finally, the model was also unable to accurately explain the decline in the time to virus detection with increasing viral ...
In the realm of artificial intelligence, advanced systems such as large language models, an example of which being ChatGPT which stands out due to its user-friendly interface and accessibility, demonstrate capabilities with respect to understanding human–AI interactions. These systems have proven to ...
in paris under the supervision of martin vohralík and alexandre ern. in 2018 i completed my phd at polytechnique montreal under the supervision of serge prudhomme. kenan kergrene my research work focuses on solutions of partial differential equations by finite element methods. my research interests...