In this paper the author outlines the extensive provisions that have been made for degreelevel studies in Mathematical Sciences under the auspices of the National Council for Technological Awards and the Council for National Academic Awards over the past sixteen years.doi:10.1080/0020739740050104...
The sciences, such as biology and chemistry, are the basis for a variety of careers, including jobs in healthcare, environmentalism, and agriculture. Learn about the different types of science, and explore careers in the sciences. Revie...
A Note on Admissible Monomials of Degree 2λ−1 byMbakiso Fix Mothebe Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Applications.2019, 7(1), 10-14. DOI: 10.12691/jmsa-7-1-2 Pub. Date: December 30, 2019 Steenrod squarespolynomial algebraPeterson hit problem ...
Many problems in mathematical sciences are ‘easy to evaluate’, despite being typically ‘hard to solve’. For example, in computer science, NP-complete optimization problems admit a polynomial-time evaluation procedure (measuring the quality of the solution), despite the widespread belief that no ...
The degree of formality in representing the mathematical semantics should be flexible, and at least one choice of degree of formality should be both inexpensive and useful. There should be some automated checking of the well-formedness of the mathematical semantics. 3. The structure of a MathLang...
Collaborative planning can be defined as a joint decision-making process for aligning individual SC members’ plans to achieve a certain degree of coordination (Stadler, 2009). This collaborative process has been studied in the last two decades as a consequence of an increasing need to adapt ...
have decided that students need to pay for a good part of their higher education, and clearly we can just keep jacking up the prices, forcing them into greater and greater debt before they have even landed their first jobs. Someone has to pay for my retirement, and why should it be me...
Jin W, Shah ET, Penington CJ, McCue SW, Chopin LK, Simpson MJ (2016) Reproducibility of scratch assays is affected by the initial degree of confluence: experiments, modelling and model selection. J Theor Biol 390:136–145. Article Google Schola...
Was there even a wave of serial killer cases or was the serial killer wave the product of news coverage and clever marketing by the FBI’s Behavioral Sciences Unit? Have serial killer cases declined in frequency and — if so — why?
Topological degree theory in infinite-dimensional Banach spaces is born, as well as the global theory of nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations. The Leray-Schauder degree and the Leray–Schauder continuation method remain the model for the whole development of nonlinear functional analysis and...