属于EI索引。mathematical problems in engineering 是开源期刊,根据最新的EI收录目录(2021年3月1日),属于EI。
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (MBE) 是一本跨学科的开放获取期刊,致力于推动前沿研究。人期刊明确表示 MBE 是开放获取期刊。对于那些通过百度或其他途径查询得到 MBE 并非开放获取期刊的信息,这可能是因为信息过时了。一切数据应以人期刊官网为准。开放获取期刊允许读者免费访问并下载文章,无需...
人期刊明明白白说了是个开源(open access)期刊,百度查不是开源估计都是好久以前,一切数据根据人期刊...
emphasizes articles devoted to the mathematical treatment of questions arising in physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering, particularly those that stress analytical aspects and novel problems and their solutions.Papers are sought which employ one or more of the following areas of classical analysis:...