For example, the Swiss mathematician Jacob Bernoulli discovered that e arises in compound interest: An account that starts at $1, and yields interest at annual rate R with continuous compounding, will accumulate to eR dollars at the end of one year. The constant e also has applications to pro...
and the ellipses contain the acronyms of the enzymes that catalyze particular reactions. There is one differential equation for each substrate that says that the rate of change of the concentration of the substrate is the sum
We have the following binomial probability formula: 3 for any integer k = 0, 1, . . . , n, P(k H’s among n tosses) = n k p k q n−k . (1.6) Now assume an oversimplified stock as follows. In any trading day, the stock price has only two possible moves: up by an...
The matrix 𝐴∗A∗ stands for the adjoint matrix of A, i.e., (𝐴∗)𝑖𝑗=(𝐴)𝑗𝑖A∗ij=Aji. The i-th component of the vector div𝐴divA is defined by the formula (div𝐴)𝑖=∂𝐴𝑖𝑘/∂𝑥𝑘(divA)i=∂Aik/∂xk. Neglecting the rotation of ...