成果发表在国际一流期刊Journal of Economic Theory,Economic Theory,Journal of Mathematical Economics, Real Estate Economics上。
近日,我院经济学系助理教授孟景轶作为第一作者的论文“Mixture independence foundations for expected utility”在经济学SSCI重要期刊Journal of Mathematical Economics 2024年第111期上发表。 该论文将经济学经典的冯·诺依曼-摩根斯坦期望效用理...
doi:10.1080/10370196.1993.11733132Philip MirowskiHistory of Economics ReviewWhat could Mathematical Rigor Mean? Three Reactions to Godel in mid-20th Century Economics', History of Economics Review, 20, 41-60.
近期,上财经院经济学系的杨哲教授的著作论文“The Weak α-core of Exchange Economies with a Continuum of Players and Pseudo-utilities”在数理经济学一流期刊、我校经济学国际二类期刊Journal of Mathematical Economics上正式发表。 此外,...
Economics of screening for carcinoma of the prostate. Urol. Clin. N. Amer. 1990, 17, 719-737. 19. Ablin, R.J. The great prostate mistake. The New York Times 2010, 10 March 2010. 20. Retsky, M.; Demicheli, R.; Hrushesky, W.; Baum, M.; Gukas, I. Surgery triggers ...