A couple of one-liners about algorithms to win on the stock market, and math finally being fun and useful, to win at poker. Little Big League (1994) IMDB *** Contains a hilarious scene, where the Minnesota Twins baseball team is trying to solve their teenage manager's homework: If ...
In a Monte-Carlo simulation (named after the Casino), a system is modeled and then executed many times with random inputs. These types of algorithms are typically used when a deterministic algorithm (one that behaves predictably and always produces the same output for a particular input ) is ...
This might be because optimal design algorithms often cannot be straightforwardly applied to experiments without further assumptions. Often in the applied literature, risk preferences have been measured with the choice set proposed by Holt and Laury (2002), but other sets have been used as well. ...
A couple of one-liners about algorithms to win on the stock market, and math finally being fun and useful, to win at poker. Little Big League (1994) IMDB *** Contains a hilarious scene, where the Minnesota Twins baseball team is trying to solve their teenage manager's homework: If ...