starting with a capital letter, such as the common Sin[] sine function, Plot[] for function drawing, Expand[] for polynomial expansion, etc. There are also many mathematical functions in advanced mathematics, such as:differentiation, definiteintegral, indefinite integral, Taylor expansion and so on...
Then the mapping function of mathematical software Mathematica on Taylor series expansion and the Fourier series expansion of a comparative study,corresponding to some of the views and conclusions. Keywords Mathematica software; Taylor series; Fourier series 2010-5-11 2010届安庆师范学院数学与计算科学...
Proof Consider the integral representation (1.1). By the Taylor expansion of the sine function in the integrand we conclude \begin{aligned} S(r) = \frac{1}{r} \int _0^\infty \frac{x}{{\mathrm{e}}^x-1} \sum _{n \ge 0} \frac{(-1)^n (rx)^{2n+1}}{(2n+1)!}\, {\ma...
摘要: 通过利用Mathematica 4.0这一数学软件对中Taylor公式的讲授,把传统的教师讲授-记忆--测验的学习过程,变成了Sounders Mac lance提出的直觉--探试--思考--猜想--证明的过程.充分利用计算机强大的计算和丰富的图形功能进行真正意义上的多媒体的教学.关键词:...
That is, the front (edge) of the wave maintains a constant velocity v. Based on this postulation, we can express the following partial difference equationA. Transforming a Difference Equation into a Differential\u001FEquation using Taylor Expansion one-dimensional...
【期刊名称】重庆科技学院学报(自然科学版) 【年(卷),期】2015(017)004 【总页数】3 【关键词】关键词:连分式;Mathematica 软件;级数;近似计算 在数值计算中,由于多项式具有任意阶可导、易于求积等特点,在很多情况下 采用多项式逼近函数,如 Taylor 级数展开法、Maclaurin 级数展开法等。但有 时遇到函数在某点...
作者:E. W. JOHNSON;JOHNNY A. JOHNSON;MONTY B. TAYLOR 期刊名称:《Mathematica Japonicae》|1995年第1期 关键词: local ring; ideal; principal system; 34.A NOTE ON IDEALS IN BCI-ALGEBRAS 机译:关于BCI-代数中理想的注释 作者:S. M. WEI;Y. B. JUN;E. H. ROH ...
Replies 1 Views 2K Mathematica Numerical solution of integral equation with parameters Jan 15, 2017 Replies 1 Views 2K Mathematica Letting mathematica compute taylor expansion of implicit function. May 12, 2012 Replies 1 Views 4K Forums Mathematics MATLAB, Maple, Mathematica, LaTeX Hot...
摘要: 通过利用Mathematica 4.0这一数学软件对<数学分析>中Taylor公式的讲授,把传统的教师讲授-记忆--测验的学习过程,变成了Sounders Mac lance提出的直觉--探试--思考--猜想--证明的过程.充分利用计算机强大的计算和丰富的图形功能进行真正意义上的多媒体的教学.关键词:...
se1ected mathematica1 fonnu1aA. Taylor Series Expansion for Function of One Variable