2 还可以在代码前面连续输入两个“=”,Mathematica会自动链接到网络上进行计算,并返回相应的步骤:==Integrate[1/(x^2+x + 1), x]//TraditionalForm 运行之后,点击“Step by step Solution”,就能看到具体的计算积分的步骤。3 我们可以调用“数学面板”进行输入,写好的代码直接复制过来,是这样子...
";walkInt::differentationError = "Failed to differentiate expression!"; walkInt[f_, x_] := Module[{integral, oldintegral, k, leafcounts, ruleused}, integral = int[f, x]; displayStart[integral]; leafcounts = {}; ruleused = "";While[! FreeQ[integral, int],If[ruleused == "Produc...
";walkInt::differentationError = "Failed to differentiate expression!"; walkInt[f_, x_] := Module[{integral, oldintegral, k, leafcounts, ruleused}, integral = int[f, x]; displayStart[integral]; leafcounts = {}; ruleused = "";While[! FreeQ[integral, int],If[ruleused == "Produc...
WolframAlpha["int -(t-Tanh[t])Sech[t]^2Tanh[t] over t",IncludePods->"IndefiniteIntegral",AppearanceElements->{"Pods"},PodStates->{"IndefiniteIntegral__Step-by-step solution"}] 输出结果如下, 虽然说有很多步骤它给得太详细了, 但是按着这个路子, 很容易就可以算出来了. 也许以后再也不怕算积...
But forIntegrateChangeVariablesyou need an “undone” integral. And you can get this usingInactive, as in: And given this inactive form, we can useIntegrateChangeVariablesto do a “trig substitution”: The result is again an inactive form, now stating the integral differently.Activategoes ahead...
NIntegrate assumes zero integral there and on any further indivisible regions. >>NIntegrate::inumri: The integrand 1/(5.25328 -x)^0.77 has evaluated to Overflow, Indeterminate, or Infinity for all sampling points in the region with boundaries {{...
In step 1, you need to use the command f[x_] to create a function; you need to set several expressions at the same time;In the second step, you need to find the definite integral -Integrate[f,{x,xmin,xmax}] and the commonly used function NMaximize[f,x];figure 1 figure 2 In ...
INTEGRATION This tutorial begins with a discussion of antiderivatives, mathematical objects that are closely related to derivatives. After the integral is introduced via the area problem, the integral and the antiderivative are shown to be related by an amazing theorem called the fundamental theorem of...
5. In addition to the above functions, it also includes technical text processing, including functions such as formula editor and automatic report generation, continuous and discrete integral transformation , and data mining. +Mathematica的语言法则 ...