3 我们可以调用“数学面板”进行输入,写好的代码直接复制过来,是这样子滴:\[Integral]Sqrt[x + Sqrt[x]] \[DifferentialD]x//FullSimplify//TraditionalForm 这里对结果先化简(FullSimplify),后化形(TraditionalForm),然后再作积分函数与原来的函数的图像,加以比较:Plot[{Sqrt[x + Sqrt[x]],%}...
WolframAlpha["int -(t-Tanh[t])Sech[t]^2Tanh[t] over t",IncludePods->"IndefiniteIntegral",AppearanceElements->{"Pods"},PodStates->{"IndefiniteIntegral__Step-by-step solution"}] 输出结果如下, 虽然说有很多步骤它给得太详细了, 但是按着这个路子, 很容易就可以算出来了. 也许以后再也不怕算积...
";walkInt::differentationError = "Failed to differentiate expression!"; walkInt[f_, x_] := Module[{integral, oldintegral, k, leafcounts, ruleused}, integral = int[f, x]; displayStart[integral]; leafcounts = {}; ruleused = "";While[! FreeQ[integral, int],If[ruleused == "Produc...
boxes = RowBox[{"\[Integral]", boxes}];DisplayForm[boxes]); intSpecificRules = {int[(f_)[x_], x_] :> Integrate[f[x], x], int[(a_)^(x_), x_] :> Integrate[a^x, x] /; FreeQ[a, x]}; intConstantRule = int[c_, x_] :> c*x /; FreeQ[c, x]; ...
NIntegrate assumes zero integral there and on any further indivisible regions. >>NIntegrate::inumri: The integrand 1/(5.25328 -x)^0.77 has evaluated to Overflow, Indeterminate, or Infinity for all sampling points in the region with boundaries {{...
In step 1, you need to use the command f[x_] to create a function; you need to set several expressions at the same time;In the second step, you need to find the definite integral -Integrate[f,{x,xmin,xmax}] and the commonly used function NMaximize[f,x];figure 1 figure 2 In ...
It can be at least as difficult to compute a fractional derivative as an integral. ButFractionalDcan still often do it though the result can quickly become quite complicated: Why isFractionalDa separate function, rather than just being part of a generalization ofD? We discussed this for quite ...
In step 1, you need to use the command f[x_] to create a function; you need to set several expressions at the same time; In the second step, you need to find the definiteintegral-Integrate[f,{x,xmin,xmax}] and the commonly used function NMaximize[f,x]; ...
5. In addition to the above functions, it also includes technical text processing, including functions such as formula editor and automatic report generation, continuous and discrete integral transformation , and data mining. +Mathematica的语言法则 ...