FEM Solver for Navier-Stokes equations in 2D:http://community.wolfram.com/groups/-/m/t/611304 Nonlinear FEM Solver for Navier-Stokes equations in 2D:https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/94914/nonlinear-fem-solver-for-navier-stokes-equations-in-2d/96579#96579 We give several examples o...
Online demo:http://vikitron.com Developed byBaraja Mathematicator Framework tools structure The biggest advantage is that you can choose which layer best fits your needs and start build on the top of it, immediately, without the need to create everything by yourself. Our tools are tested for...
输入您想要计算或了解的内容 自然语言 数学输入 扩展键盘示例上传随机 使用Wolfram 的突破性算法、知识和 AI 技术给出专家级答案 数学› 分步解答 初等数学 代数 绘图和图形 微积分与数学分析 几何 微分方程 统计 更多主题 » 科学和技术› Units & Measures ...
While its ODE solvers are not particularly interesting anymore (pretty much every ODE solver since was created to improve upon the designs here), there are many non-standard pieces that you still cannot find elsewhere. For example, the BVP solver COLDAE is probably the best BVP solver for DA...