Join[{header},data]或者 Prepend[data, header]注意要在Join中给header加个{} 通过Dimensions[header和data]就能发现这样做的意义 索引 可以在WMDC(Wolfram Mathematica Document Center,也就是其帮助文档)中搜索的索引: Using a notebook interface:如何用Notebook记笔记 Entering Two-Dimensional Input:如何直接输入...
concatenate lists together combine lists, removing repeated elements and sorting the result interleave elements of list1 and list2 Join concatenates any number of lists together. In[1]:= Join@8a, b, c<, 8x, y<, 8t, u v1,…<,nDE Apply@List, f @e1,e2,…DD Some explicit ways to ...
How to to find the intersection of two lists. union How to find the union of two lists. relative complement, symmetric difference How to find all elements in one list which are not in another; how to find all elements which are in one of two lists but not both. map filter reduce univ...
Beyond Listability: Introducing Threaded From the very beginning of Mathematica and the Wolfram Language we’ve had the concept of listability: if you add two lists, for example, their corresponding elements will be added: ✕ It’s a very convenient mechanism, that typically does exactly ...
a list of numerical vectors. When a lists of numerical vectors then the length of that list \ is expected to be equal to the number of numerical columns of the first argument.";Options[ToCategoricalColumns] = Join[ { "QuantileBreaks" -> False }, Options[IntervalMappingFunction] ];ToCatego...
Join[Table[{n, n + 1}, {n, n1, n2 - 1, 1}], {{n2, n1}}] Needs["NDSolve`FEM`"]; rt = RotationTransform[-\[Pi]/16];(*angle of attack*)a = Table[pe, {x, 0, 1, 0.01}]; p0 = {p, tk/2}; x1 = -2; x2 = 3; ...
A splitted list is an expression of the same form, where expri are lists of vectors. Splitting expressions SkipVal SplitList SplitSum Accessing members of splitted expressions ForSplit PartSplit Manipulations with splitted expressions AddSplit ApplySplit JoinSplit MapSplit MergeSplit á Preparing output...
so it’s easier and easier to set up neural net systems. But the second is to be able to readily handle more and more neural net structures. And in Version 11.3 we’re adding a whole collection of “network surgery” functions—likeNetTake,NetJoinandNetFl...
So, taking power towers of two different complex numbers results in two qualitatively different ‘convergence spirals’. I wondered how many different spiral types I might find if I consider the entire complex plane? I already have all of the machinery I need to perform such an investigation but...