Mathematica is divided into two parts:the kerneland the front end. The kernel interprets the expression (that is, the Mathematica code) and returns the resulting expression. The front end, designed by Theodore Gray, provides a GUI that allows users to create and edit a "notebook document" t...
Mathematica is divided into two parts: the kernel and the front end. The kernel interprets the expression (that is, the Mathematica code) and returns the resulting expression. The front end, designed by Theodore Gray, provides a GUI that allows users...
The front end, designed by Theodore Gray, provides a GUI, which allows the creation and editing of Notebook documents containing program code with prettyprinting, formatted text together with results including typeset mathematics, graphics, GUI components, tables, and sounds. All contents and format...
In Version 12.1 Dataset automatically stores that additional data directly in the notebook (at least up to a size specified by $NotebookInlineStorageLimit) so when you open the notebook again later, the Dataset is all there, and all ready to compute with.In Version 12.1...
Another big new interface-related thing in Version 11.3 isPresenter Tools—a complete environment for creating and running presentations that include live interactivity. What makes Presenter Tools possible is the rich notebook system that we’ve built over the past 30...