Moving on, let's discuss the methods for exponentiation and root extraction. Exponentiation can be carried out using "^"; the function "Sqrt" is used to calculate square roots; and "^(1/n)" can be employed to find nth roots. Mathematica's syntax for these operations is both concise and...
用Solve[p[x]==0, x] 会得到一大坨东西,还包含虚数单位i。但实际上我知道这个多项式应该有三个不重复的实数根。换Maxima,用allroots(p(x)),得到 x=0.0638907930873254, x=.3689970637156187, x=.7668803039389416。回到MMA,用FindRoots[p[x], {x, 0}];FindRoots[p[x], {x, 0.3}];FindRoots[p[x],... 1个回答 –1投票 尝试利用Assumption 函数,假设你的x的取值范围,然后再求解 最新回答10月 11, 2016用户:落雨流觞(1.1k分)
代码如下: Clear[findRoots] Options[findRoots] = Options[Reduce]; findRoots[gl_Equal, {x_, von_, bis_}, prec : (_Integer?Positive | MachinePrecision | Infinity) : MachinePrecision, wrap_: Identity, opts : OptionsPattern[]] := Module[{work, glp, vonp, bisp}, {glp, von...
Root[f, k]求多项式函数的第k个根 Roots[lhs==rhs, var]得到多项式方程的所有根 五、微积分函数 D[f, x]求f[x]的微分f/x D[f, {x, n}]求f[x]的n阶微分 D[f,x1,x2..]求f[x]对x1,x2...偏微分 Dt[f, x]求f[x]的全微分df/dx Dt[f]求f[x]的全微分df ...
vars 把方程组eqns中变量vars约去 SolveAlwayseqns, vars 给出等式成立的所有参数满足的条件 Reduceeqns, vars 化简并给出所有可能解的条件 LogicalExpandexpr 用&&和|将逻辑表达式展开 InverseFunctionf 求函数f的逆函数 Rootf, k 求多项式函数的第k个根 Rootslhs=rhs, var 得到多项式方程的所有根 五、微积分函...
Roots[eqn, var]求一元多项式方程eqn的所有准确解var NRoots[eqn, var]求一元多项式方程eqn的所有数值解var Root[f,k]求一元多项式f的第k个根 FindRoot[f,{x,a}]以a为初值,求函数f(x)的一个根x FindRoot[eqns,{x,a}]以a为初值,求方程eqns的一个解x ...
For Excel users, Mathematica Link for Excel adds over a thousand functions and options to Excel and lets you interactively explore them using the Mathematica function wizard. Excel formulas can suddenly perform symbolic computations, find complex roots, run statistical analysis and much more. Even dis...
Mathematica:多项式实根的分支点 - 我正在对以下示例函数中的“渐变极值”进行强力搜索 fv[{x_, y_}] = ((y - (x/4)^2)^2 + 1/(4 (1 + (x - 1)^2)))/2; 这涉及找到以下零 gecond = With[{g = D[fv[{x, ...
Use Mathematica FindRoot to solve a bunch of equations. Error messages: is not a list of numbers with dimensions. Does it mean there are no real roots? Should I change the initial values? Show transcribed image text Here’s the best way to solve...