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Translate Word Phrases to Math Notation In the following exercises, translate and simplify. the quotient of 6464 and 1616 Show Solution the quotient of 572572 and 5252 Divide Whole Numbers in Applications In the following exercises, solve. Ribbon One spool of ribbon is 2727 feet. Lizbeth uses...
Terminology. You can’t discuss fractions with anybody or understand a lecture about fractions if you don’t understand what the different words and phrases mean, like numerator, denominator, reciprocal, common denominator, reduced fraction, greatest common factor, decimal, percentage, proper fraction,...
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and then being able to use them and apply them to new scenarios. Plus, a word can have one meaning inside the math classroom and an entirely different one outside of it, think of “odd” and “plane.” Math vocab also includes words and phrases that are also symbols that students need...
2)Word Banks: “Place Value, Decimal, Ten, Hundred, Thousand.” Here the students are pressed to use the given words and phrases in their responses. These two simple, yet powerful, strategies scaffold conversation for struggling learners, while also challenging all students to explain their think...
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