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Solve for y ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧y=0,y∈R,unconditionallyx=1orx=0 Solve for x (complex solution) ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x=1;x=0,x∈C,unconditionallyy=0 Solve for x ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x=1;x=0,x∈R,unconditionallyy=0 ...
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1) when a word problem involves multiple travelers, multiple trips, or a trip with multiple legs, remember that each traveler, each trip, and/or each leg deserves its own D = RT equation 2) sometimes, you will be able to solve for all the quantities in one equation and use those numbe...
Goal:Given a word problem, the student will identify the operation needed to solve the problem with 80% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials, as measured by teacher observation. Goal:Given a real-world problem, the student will use a visual aid (such as a picture or manipulative) to represent...
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We use a sequence-to-sequence model with a novel attention regularization term to generate the intermediate forms, then execute them to obtain the final answers. Since the intermediate forms are latent, we propose an iterative labeling framework for learning by leveraging su...
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The concept forms the foundation. Everyday words, mathematical symbols, whatever—those are just different languages for talking about the underlying idea. With this kind of understanding, solving the problem is pretty straightforward: But if I’m a typical word-problem-hating student, I look at ...