Functions Unit Plan Creating Functions to Describe Relationships Between Quantities Create an account to start this course today Used by over 30 million students worldwide Create an account Explore our library of over 88,000 lessons Search Browse Browse by subject Plans...
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Relations & Functions Lesson Plan Functions Activities for Middle School Math Practice Problem Set for Functions Functions Unit Plan Creating Functions to Describe Relationships Between Quantities Communication Process | Steps, Diagram & Examples Create an account to start this course today Used by over...
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Can I interpret unit rate as the slope of a proportional relationship? Can I graph two-variable linear equations? For a function that models a linear or nonlinear relations between two quantities: Can I interpret key features of graphs and tables in terms of quantities?
) of horizontal (resp. vertical) dominoes – pairs of adjacent unit squares, each of which is decorated with an element of a finite set of “pips”, is it possible to assign a pip to each unit square in the standard lattice tiling of , such that every horizontal (resp. vertical) pair...
The BBM Unit Circle activity provides another example of coordinated action as a basis for conceptualization. Unit Circle is designed to support learner’s understanding of the relationship between the unit circle and the sine and cosine functions. One board controls sine, and the other controls cos...
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Included: A student worksheet, student data chart, and a Smartboard example of student work. Connecting to Math in the News Who needs word problems when the world around us is rich with real-life math problems? Discover some practical suggestions for tapping into newspapers and online news ...
Introduction Procedures:The teacher begins the unit with the book The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns. The book reviews various concepts of geometry and shapes to the students. In order to assess prior knowledge, the teacher organizes students into small groups of three or four and asks them ...