n is the number of terms In our case: a = 1 r = y n = 8 Therefore: x = 1(1 – y⁸) / (1 – y) x = (1 – y⁸) / (1 – y) Finding x when x is a Power of a Prime To find x when it’s a power of a prime, we can: Iterate through possible values of y:...
You can use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of it, under the terms of the MIT License. See LICENSE.md for details. This software is provided "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, express or implied. See LICENSE.md for details. Support To ...
Assume $f$ has continuous derivative on $[0,2]$, and $f(0)=f(2)=1$, if $\lvert f'\rvert \le 1$, prove that $1 \le \int_0^2 f(x)dx\ \le 3$. calculus definite-integrals taylor-expansion Riemann 11.1k modified 5 hours ago -1 votes 0 answers 25 views Some technica...
Type a math problem BasicalgebratrigonometrycalculusstatisticsmatricesCharacters Inequalities Absolute Value and Rounding Exponents Radicals Fractions Logarithms Factorial
($n); // Permutation matrix that pushes the components of a vector down one notch with wraparound $upshift_permutation_matrix = MatrixFactory::upshiftPermutation($n); // Permutation matrix that pushes the components of a vector up one notch with wraparound $diagonal_matrix = MatrixFactory::...
For a function that models a linear or nonlinear relations between two quantities: Can I interpret key features of graphs and tables in terms of quantities? Can I sketch graphs showing key features of graphs and tables in terms of quantities, ...
of text, often formatted with a single font. In this situation, actions such as contextual substitution or kerning can be done with access to the complete context of the line of text, and the rules can be expressed in terms of known glyph sequences. Math layout is quite different from ...
Math anxiety is defined as “a feeling of tension and anxiety that interferes with the manipulation of numbers and the solving of mathematical problems in … ordinary life and academic situations,” according tothe Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale,an instrument commonly used to measure math anxiety....
I will think about the problem in terms of "gaps" and "islands". I will focus at first on IPv4, because it is easier to do arithmetic with them, but idea for IPv6 is the same and in the end I'll show a generic solution. To start with, we have a full ra...
I'd like to address this in terms that normal human beings can understand. Imagine that you are trying to slice up pizzas. You have a robotic pizza cutter that can cut pizza slices exactly in half. It can halve a whole pizza, or it can halve an existing slice, but in any case, ...