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FlexJobs has never failed me! I have found a few different remote jobs that fit the needs of my schedule! Ashley M., Conroe, TX Reading Tutoring Teacher at Amplify Education Dec 6, 2024 FlexJobs was very helpful in my quest to find a new job! I've recommended it to all my friends!
Step 3 Build confidence through academic mastery of math and reading skills! Schedule Evaluation Watch how Gideon strengthens your child’s confidence Kind words from our Gideon families
A typical day consists of me getting to school 45 minutes to an hour before the 8 a.m. start time for school, getting my mind and papers ready for class for the day. I usually teach first period either as the only teacher for one of my eighth grade classes, or as the co-teacher ...
approach nearly any question. If you’re tempted to answer a question with, “You should know this by now,”“That sounds way too hard,” or “That doesn’t matter,” instead direct the curious mind to the teacher or active math educators on social media. How would they approach the ...
“Teacher says I don’t know my multiplication tables,” he explained. “Oh,” I replied, “well, that’s a very common problem, even for adults. Tell me, what is 5 x 4?” The young man responded, “5 x 4 is 20.” “Oh, so you do know that one. How about 6 x 6?” ...
The child’s “correct” answer that was marked wrong by her teacher defies logic. The use of an equal sign instead of an arrow would have minimized any misunderstanding whatsoever. In “fine” Singapore, few teachers and parents would disagree that similar grade one place values questions are...
What better testimonial to A Grade Ahead’s program than a former student coming back to our program as a teacher while prepping for medical school. Abshaar Narvel first walked through A Grade Ahead’s doors in 2006 as a student. After excelling in middle and high school, she went on to...
Here are the notable moments for me: 5:15 “The biggest thing I took away from being a teacher is that our students are incredible. They will rise to the level of expectations that you put in front of them.” This is something that EVB also says in most of her interviews. I know ...
My students sometimes ask me, as a math teacher and a guy who “knows numbers,” whether I play the lottery. Usually I just smile and tell them I buy the occasional scratch ticket for the fun of it, but almost never anything beyond that. It would require a “special occasion” or a...