Genie Academy’s Core Curriculum Math program is designed to teach grade level math that is aligned with New Jersey’s SLS standards developed by the NJ Department of Education. Designed for students from elementary to high school levels, the Core Curriculum Math Tutor program aims to build a ...
First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Middle School High School FAQ How do I know how to use the materials? Do your products align with state standards? Are your materials durable? Are there trainings available in the Math & Movement activities?
I feel like this system is sent directly from God to our family. It was such an amazing find!! Thank you!!”– Margaret V., NJ More Testimonials Stop wondering how to give your homeschooler the best middle and high school math education… Get Started Today! Select Your Course ...
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Flash Kids Harcourt Family Learning系列是Harcourt与Flash Kids合作出版的小学生英语教辅的代表性产品,也是美国小学生的主流教辅,很多国内老师都会向孩子推荐这个系列作为课外辅导作业使用,因为编排方面更符合贴近中国教育行情。 Colourful pictures and simple sentences introduce number sense, shapes, and time, as well...
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My children can operate the system easily without me, and if I ever have a question, it is answered quickly. I feel like this system is sent directly from God to our family. It was such an amazing find!! Thank you!!”– Margaret V., NJ 1234567891011121314151617 More Testimonials ...
As a supplemental curriculum, My Math Academy aims to improve student learning outcomes aligned to the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics (CCSS-M) in kindergarten, first, and second grade mathematics. It consists of game-based activities with adaptive learning trajectories, performance dash...
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