Secondary education Do math achievement scores for 10th graders in Hawaii's charter schools have a relationship to student perceptions of school quality? CAPELLA UNIVERSITY Michael Jazzar RenteriaArdith HConsidering the effects of past inequities in the public school system, school officials are ...
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> Do Math Achievement Scores for 10th Graders in Hawaii's Charter Schools Have a Relationship to Student Perceptions of School Quality? 作者: Renteria, Ardith H. 页数: 198 订阅Do Math Achievement Scores for 10th Graders in Hawaii's Charter Schools Have a Relationship to Student Perceptions of...
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Houlka algebra teacher Carra Turner explained how the program works for her 37 students taking Algebra 1. The students – mostly 9th graders but with some 10th and 11th graders – take the program during second or fifth period each day. ...
HOWARD BUCK Columbian staff writer
Student, principal catch MCAS error ; About 3,250 10th-graders benefit from discovery of math test scoring mistakeJames Vaznis