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This principle of doing small things everyday also applies to students and learning. By doing one Math question per day, at the end of one year, a student would have completed 365 Math questions! This would be a considerable amount that would certainly help to boost the student’s Math gra...
Tip: Determine an aggregate statistic about a sensitive question, when survey respondents do not trust that their responses will be kept secret. Solution: import random def respond_privately(true_answer: bool) -> bool: '''Respond to a survey with plausible deniability about your answer.''' be...
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Next, see how good your recall is by trying a practice sheet, or getting someone to test you. You should aim to be able to answer a times table question almost instantly - certainly within about 5 seconds! If your recall of the table is up to scratch, then move on to your next tabl...
Question 1: What is the return type of the Math.random() method? It returns a double in the range 0.0 ( inclusive ) and 1.0 (exclusive) Question 2: Do Math.random and Random.nextInt() belong to the same java packages? No. Math.random belongs to java.lang.Math, whereas Random class...
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