[Attached.] Puzzle: find a holeless 11-omino tetrad. [Unique solution attached.] I am not sure it is fair to present this as a puzzle. However, I am curious to know whether anyone else can solve it, by hand or otherwise! Dr. Scherer's site has a 14-omino solution. [EDIT -- ...
Now we use the worksheet to analyze an infamous probability puzzle, the Monty Hall problem. Let us use the formulation given in that Wikipedia page: Problem 1 Suppose you’re on a game show, and you’re given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, ...
For that, workers need not only the skills for solving problems that we already know about but also the stamina and disposition to puzzle through totally unfamiliar problems for which we cannot now provide methods and procedures. The ability to solve new and unforeseen problems requires mastery ...
14 How do you decide which measure of central tendency to use?When to use median? Some scores have undetermined values Person (x) Time (amount of time to complete puzzle) 1 8 2 11 3 12 4 13 5 17 6 Never finished 15 How do you decide which measure of central tendency to use?When...
Sometimes the puzzle takes the form of a topic we intuitively recognize (say, the concept of “color”) that increases or decreases in prominence for reasons that remain to be explained: At other times, the connection between elements of the topic is not immediately intuitive, but the terms ...
I love the ‘puzzle aspect’ of creating new ways of teaching things that are fun, useful, effective, engaging, challenging and relevant. I also love the contact with the variety of students, people and personality types I see every day. ...
Dodge does a solid job of explaining the jigsaw puzzle that was the Carthaginian army, which would need a charismatic and forceful leader to hold together, let alone use effectively. Hannibal deserves much of the credit he receives. Hannibal also spent the majority of his life away from ...