searchable repository. Unlike the emphasis on traditional text editing function found in most mainline writing apps, neutriNote focuses instead on the long-term searchability of information so thatcognitive loadmay be reduced through note-taking, with an writing experience totally open to customization....
Here are 41 public repositories matching this topic... Language:All Sort:Most stars redsolver/noteless Sponsor Star503 A Markdown-based note-taking app for mobile devices. androidmarkdownkatexnotenote-takingflutterattachmentshacktoberfestasciimathmermaid-diagrams ...
Note to frequency table: • Convert MIDI notes to frequencies • Adjustable diapason and root note • One hundred selectable temperaments • Visualization of intervals in cents for each temperament • Taking into account the temperament for the calculation of frequencies ...
With these most recent enhancements — in-app audio recording and Math Notes - Apple aims to make Notes the go-to note-taking app for every type of note and every type of user. Math Notes will take their place alongside other types of notes, such as business plans, receipts, shopping li...
MusicMath is a musical tool that includes a timecode calculator, a tap tempo, a tempo to delay in millisecond and hertz converter, a note to frequency table converter, a sample length converter, a tempo change converter, and a frequency to note converter
3. Master the Art of Note Taking: An essential skill to master economics is the ability to take effective notes. We’ve got a few suggestions for you: Develop a system: Choose one of the note-taking methods that work best for you, such as mind maps, the Cornell method, or an out...
As shown in Table 5, after taking into account grade-level and pre-test scores, game performance still explained part of the variance of adaptive rational number knowledge and knowledge of representations and operations. However, for density knowledge, the effect of game performance was not ...
you have to put your ego on one side and focus on your strengths. When you are solving the paper, you should start from the top and solve questions that don’t take much time. If a question is taking too much time, you should just skip it. After you have answered all the easier ...
If all went well, you should have a working version of the project but why stop here? Fell free to customize your problems, point system, rewards, pysical appearence, etc... I hope you enjoyed this project if you decided to make it, regardless thanks for taking the time :) Dylan....
Taking an inferentialist stance on human understanding, the study conceptualizes teaching and learning from the perspective of how students come to be engaged in the language practice of giving and asking for reasons. The study shows how note-taking supports a teacher-student relationship where ...