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Math Nation’s iPhone, iPad, and Android apps are free and second to none in usability and accessibility. Our app works on devices up to six years old. Students are able to download videos on their mobile devices while at school so they can watch them later offline when they may not hav...
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(FFRDCs), which provide innovative, practical solutions for some of our nation’s most critical challenges in defense and intelligence, aviation, civil systems, homeland security, the judiciary, healthcare, and cybersecurity. It has published suggestions, advisories, solutions details related to XSS ...
Yesterday I gave a workshop at the iMathination Conference in St. Charles,IL. The conference is full of hands-on math workshops for teachers, mostly from the city of Chicago – amazing teachers! I was asked to give a hands-on workshop for pre-calculus/calculus teachers and immediately th...
The Challenge Across the country, students are struggling with mathematics. Nearly two-thirds of our nation’s eighth graders do not meet current mathematics standards (National Center for Education Statistics, 2015). These standards define the skills students need to master in order to succeed in ...
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• Praised by theU.S. Department of Educationas one of the nation’s mostpromisingelementary school math programs. • Makes arithmeticunderstandablebased onfive “key” concepts, skills, and thought processes. •Enrichesas well as remediates. ...
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