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Ourpassionate teachershave the knowledge and skills to help children understand math concepts. They go above and beyond with the attention, care, and support they give their Luna Lab students. Ourpositive and engaging online learningenvironment will help your child be successful and motivated to lear...
Students can compute the percent win-loss of games played by their favorite sports teams. They can find data on teams in their school, or they can find data for professional teams online and in the newspapers. You can bring this activity into the computer lab by placing all the data in a...
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Our program is very hands-on, so your kids won’t be reading boring lessons from a book – they’ll be doing real science, like real scientists do in the lab. I promise they will learn more science and math AND enjoy it more in 2 months than they will from a typical year of “tr...
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Calculating Speed: Speed Walking Lab Created by Math Galore and More In this trans-disciplinary math and science lab the students will with a partner each walk 30 meters and calculate their own speed using the time it took them. The students will not only be calculating speed, but also be ...
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