What is the shortest mathematicians joke? Let epsilon be smaller than zero. The emperor's horse is about to participate in the international race in three months. The emperor summons his best nutritionist, best trainer, and best mathematician, and orders them to prepare the horse for the race...
A woman has seven daughters, and each daughter has a brother. How many children does the woman have all together?(She has eight children!) Do you know a statistics joke?(Probably, but it's mean!) Why was the math book sad?(Because it had too many problems!) What kind of meals...
15. Why do teenagers travel in groups of threes and fives? Because they can’t even. 16. There are three kinds of people in this world. Those who can count and those who can’t. 17. Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? He’ll stop at nothing to ...
And if you don’t know what that means, you’re below it. Sorry, that’s a mean joke. It’s about averages. Katie Hughes [After a long day at work, Barbie] gets home to that big pink house, heads straight for the liquor cabinet, and pours herself four fingers of vodka. And ...
Math is the study of abstractions. Math allows us to isolate one or a few features such as the number, shape or direction of some kind of object. Then we can study what can be learned about the behavior of those features while ignoring everything else ab
What did the student say about the equation she couldn’t solve? –“This is derive-ing me crazy!” Have you heard the latest statistics joke? – Probably. Related Posts:Exam JokesandArt Jokes Which snakes are good at math? – Adders. ...
(Silly teacher joke – works better in person.) The exclamation point is actually an operator telling us to multiply that number by all integers less than that number down to 1. Permutations Permutations apply the Fundamental Counting Principle to determine the number of ways you can arrange ...
OOPS I ALMOST FORGOT: life update. We bought a house and are moving to Austin, TX. I’m still planning on finishing my Ph.D., just virtually. [Up to a finite-index subgroup, obviously. Bad math joke]. I’ll probably be flying up to Chicago every so often to meet with my advisor...
Here’s a bit of folklore I often hear (and retell) that’s somewhere between a joke and deep wisdom: if you’re doing a software interview that involves some algorithms problem that seems hard, your best bet is to use hash tables. More succinctly put: Google loves hash tables. As ...
If you start thinking about things like that, you would go round the bend. Let me assure you of that!” —Agatha Christie, The Mirror Crack’d (Miss Marple Mysteries)Free math (Available here Monday through Friday). But you must bring your own container, and you must fill it with much...