(4) Integration Rules – Math is Fun.https://www.mathsisfun.com/calculus/integration-rules.html. 抽象的抽象 :Operator Algebra 算子代数 June 6, 2024Chinoiseries2014Modern MathLeave a comment Summarize by abstraction of 4 different maths:
Note: Tough if no Geometry knowledge : the R, r are on the same connected line. 2 adjacent circles tangent at 1 point, the tangent at that point of big circle and small circle is perpendicular to both radii R, r Leave a comment Solution : DeepSeek is smarter than other AI in solving...
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I finally started a project that I have been wanting to undertake for a while. It is the Math Cracks, which is the way I call to this short tutorials that attempt to explain hard math concepts in simple terms, step-by-step. The first Math Crack of the series isIntegration by Parts. ...
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The package provides three basic functions:quadgk,gauss, andkronrod.quadgkperforms the integration,gausscomputes Gaussian quadrature points and weights for integrating over the interval [a, b], andkronrodcomputes Kronrod points, weights, and embedded Gaussian quadrature weights for integrating over [-1,...
When teaching science it is very important for students to play, interact with materials, and self-discover principles rather than just be told rules or formulas. This way allows students to take an active role in their l...
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