Half of Ontario Grade 6 Students Failed to Meet Provincial Math StandardOntario elementary math results declining--TORONTO - Half of all Grade 6 students in Ontario did...Jones, Allison
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TVO Learn mPower focuses on some of the tougher-to-learn math concepts, helping students build confidence and master the skills they’ll need to succeed. All content is aligned with the Ontario math curriculum for Kindergarten through Grade 6. Games can be used as part of a lesson or a fu...
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In this project we explored the connections between Algonquin ways of knowing and the Western mathematics that is represented in the current Ontario provincial mathematics curriculum. Using an ethnomathematics framework, we worked with community members from the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation to...
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Suitable for the Following Ontario Mathematics Curriculum Courses: Grade 6 Mathematics Grade 7 Mathematics Grade 8 Mathematics Grade 9 Mathematics MAT1L – Locally Developed Mathematics, 9 MFM1P – Foundations of Mathematics, 9 Share With Your Learning Community: ...
There was always something self-righteous, paternalistic and bigoted in the bid to declare Ontario’s math test racist. If Black and Indigenous teacher candidates could not pass what was essentially a high-school math test then obviously, went the thinking, it was a racist exam and had to b...