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ThisAddition Trickseemed like magic when my uncle first showed it to me. I was 11 years old, I think. Here I explain the trick so you can amaze the 11-year-olds in your life.Good for grades 5 and 6 Looking for aTimes Table Board Game? Print out the playing board and the question...
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Math self-competence beliefs, namely, math self-efficacy and math self-concept, are crucial factors in sustaining math learning. Since there is a lack of l
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We examined differences in the amount of caregiver math talk between three age groups of children using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), including 17 3-year-olds, 24 4-year-olds, and 22 5-year-olds. To examine differences in caregiver math talk by age group, the amount of math...
The Big Take-Away =“Students’ work on Landmark Tasks throughout the year that should be visible in the classroom so that students can map their learning.” We don’t take advantage enough of narrative in math class. “Imagine shrinking down an entire map to the size of an index card....
With the recent episode Toxin, my contribution was Soap Bubble Theory (the link shows the amazing math 9-year-olds can do). Many excellent sites explain the math in the show, particularly, which offers worksheets developed by Texas Instruments and the National Council of Teachers of ...
Last spring, I printed this set of action cards and had my kids (ages 2,4, and 5 at the time) hunt for objects in the yard. They loved this very active scavenger hunt, and it was great for teaching my almost-three-year-old about size. I think we’ll have to pull it out again...