We created the original curriculum to combine play and rigor, with six weeks of material for three different grade bands: Kindergarten, 1st/2nd Grade, and 3rd/4th Grade. Seattle Public Schools adopted this curriculum for their Summer Staircase program in 2016, where it was used by close to 60...
If a pile has only 3, for example, he would top up 7 to make it 10 in a pile. Then 15 piles of 10 bricks would give a total of 150 bricks. One day in school, his teacher wanted to occupy the 9-year-old children from talking in class, made them add the sum: 1 + 2 + 3...
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•There arerealmath problemseverywhere.•Other six-year olds solvemath problemsformake-believeschool, asillustratedinFigure3. 4.•For example, GoMentalis atic-tac-toemath game where you have to solvemath problemstoearnpoints.•As an adolescent, Bennett Lang relishes wordmath problemsbut is ...
This summer we spent time on math using this math system because he was having difficulty with math and with his handwriting. Six months later he got a 98% on his math assessment at school. When he said math was his favorite subject I teared up. ...
Riddle:When John was six years old he hammered a nail into his favorite tree to mark his height. Ten years later at age sixteen, John returned to see how much higher the nail was. If the tree grew by five centimeters each year, how much higher would the nail be?
In our six module, self-paced Online Workshop, you’ll learn how to build and adjust your own lessons that engage students, build deeper understanding of math, and promote resilience in problem solving. Perfect for K-12 math classrooms with content specific examples from Grades 2 through grade...
Math for Love is devoted to transforming how math is taught and learned. Offering a free lesson library, plus games, summer curriculum, and more.
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British mathematician Andrew Wiles was fascinated by the problem as a child, and as an adult, was determined to solve it. He labored over it forsix yearsuntil rocking the mathematical world with a solution that was over three centuries in the making. Learning math is most definitelynota race...