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The QMath conference series has played an important role in mathematical physics for more than two decades, typically attracting many of the best results achieved in the last three-year period, and the meeting in Hradec Kralove was no exception. - MATHEMATICAL RESULTS IN QUANTUM PHYSICS - ...
quantum superfield calculationssupersymmetryradiative correctionssupergraphs/ A1110 Quantum field theory A1130P Supersymmetry in particle physics A0270 Computational techniques C7310 Mathematics computing C7320 Physics and chemistry computingSusyMath is a Mathematica package for quantum superfield calculations. It...
Quantum Physics Special and General Relativity Beyond the Standard Model High Energy, Nuclear, Particle Physics Astronomy and Astrophysics Cosmology Other Physics Topics Receive Insights Articles to Your Inbox Enter your email address: Blog Information Become a Member! Write for Us! Table of Contents ...
Note: this formula is used in Quantum Physics dealing with infinity n (although it cancels out each other in subsequent calculations) Tau Special Function: 3. Boolean Algebra: George Boole (1847 in 《The Mathematical Analysis of Logic》) used Symbolic variables (not numbers) for Logic, inspired...
Even if the motion of a quantum (quasi-)particle proceeds along a left-right-symmetric (PT-symmetric) curved path in complex plane, the spectrum of bound states may remain physical, i.e., real and bounded below). We propose a generalization. Firstly, we show how the topologically less tri...
Not so much for Physics or Chemistry. English colle for Singaporean student is easy except the translation from English to French. 300 years ago till today the Colles are still the same. The French like tradition but this Prépas and the Colles are horrible to kill the young French like ...
I am a Ph.D. student in theoretical physics, I have three master’s degrees, one in quantum physics at the university of Mohammed five from Morocco, and the other one in fundamental physics at Clermont-Auvergne university in France, and the third one at Da Corona university in Spain-Ferrol...
Conformal Field Theories, Graphs and Quantum Algebras Valentina Petkova, Jean-Bernard Zuber Pages 415-435 q-Supernomial Coefficients: From Riggings to Ribbons Anne Schilling Pages 437-454 Separation of Variables for Quantum Integrable Models Related to \({U_q}({\widehat {sl}_N})\) ...
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