Source code for the book "Math for Deep Learning" Source code is organized by chapter. If you have questions or comments, please contact me: Updates p 300, the last sentence of the penultimate paragraph should read "Here, t, an integer starting at one, is the ti...
Math for Deep Learning provides the essential math you need to understand deep learning discussions, explore more complex implementations, and better use the deep learning toolkits. With Math for Deep Learning, you'll learn the essential mathematics used by and as a background for deep learning. ...
英文原版 Math for Deep Learning 深度学习中的数学 了解神经网络需要知道的知识 Ronald T. Kneusel 英文版 进口英语原版书籍 瑞雅进口图书专营店 英文原版 Math for Deep Learning 深度... Ronald T. Kneusel著 京东价 ¥ 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- ...
Understanding deep learning 基于传统优化方法的3D人脸重建,优化目标为$$\argmin_{s,R,T,\alpha_{id}, \alpha_{exp}}\sum_{k=1}K\Vert( s\cdot R\cdot (\bar{M}+A_{id}\alpha_{id}+A_{exp}\alpha_{exp}){v_k} +T)-L_k\Vert + \lambda\Vert \mathbf{p}\Vert_\Lambda \tag1$$其中...
【译】An Overview of Multi-Task Learning in Deep Neural Networks原论文链接An Overview of Multi-Task Learning in Deep Neural Networks1. 多任务学习的好处一旦发现正在优化多于一个… 赤色的世界 用深度学习从非结构化文本中提取特定信息 AI研习社 图解Stable Diffusion模型 北方的郎发表于AI技术与...打开...
Inside Deep Learning: Math, Algorithms, Models by Edward Raff. Written for everyday developers, there are no complex mathematical proofs or unnecessary academic theory in Inside Deep Learning. Journey through the
We present a new project for using deep learning (DL) for that purpose. It will explore a number of DL and representation-learning models, which have shown superior performance in applications that involve sequences of data. As math and science involve sequences of text, symbols and equations...
Theory of “Distribution” (ie Function non-continuous) was invented in the1940s-50s by Laurent Schwartz (won Fields Medal for this contribution ). The French lecturer is excellent,he applied Linear Algebra (Vector Space) to Fourier’s Theory of Heat, Electrostatics, … Théorie des Distributions...
Connectionists (“Deep Learning”, Neural Network) Bayesians (Probability, Inference Rule) Analogizers (Similar Pattern) Symbolists (Logic) Evolutionaries (Survival the fittest ) Notes: 1. Bill Gates recommends this excellent book for 2018 reading, also found it onChinese President’s Xi JingPing...
chapter_deep-learning-computation Update 4年前 chapter_generative-adversarial-networks 78 chars each line 4年前 chapter_installation Tensorflow not available yet for Python 3.9 (#1) (#1507) 4年前 chapter_introduction finalize intro chap ...