Our curriculum focuses on advancing the mathematical skills of 5th-8th graders to prepare them for math competitions, such as AMC 8, AMC 10, Mathcounts, Math Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools (MOEMS), Math Kangaroo, and Math League. A variety of contest questions, includingall past o...
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It’s important to bear in mind that the vast majority of these events are designed for a particular type of advanced student. If complex equations or timed tests are not your student’s cup of tea, there are plenty of resources out there tomake math enjoyable for kids; ormath tutoring ...
Chapter 8: “Identifying Solutions and Solving Equations” Chapter 9: “Systems of Equations” Chapter 10: “Plane Geometry” Chapter 11: “Advanced Transformations” Chapter 12: “Triangles” Chapter 13: “Advanced Pythagorean Theorem” Chapter 14: “Three-Dimensional Geometry” ...
And here is the way they suggest you teach a fairly obscure method of solving certain quadratic equations (which, again, would never be on the Regents for Algebra I or Algebra II). I’m familiar with this one so I appreciated that they even knew this technique but I defy Algebra teachers...
Eligibility:9th graders - 12th graders Cash Prizes:Yes Trig-Star is an annual, national competition for high school students who excel at trigonometry.The purpose of the Trig-Star competition is to recognize students who excel at trigonometry, to introduce students to practical applications of mathem...