I was blown away by the amount of resources I received in the 4th grade library. Then, I checked the libraries of the other grades and I was just taken aback. There are sooo many resources to supplement my curriculum. Talk about getting a bang for your bucks! Again, thank you for ...
Grade 1 Adding and subtracting, telling time, measurement, nouns, verb tense, time order, weather patterns and more. Math 226 skills English 173 skills Science 54 skills 2 Grade 2 Place-value models, even and odd, regular and irregular plurals, pronouns, contractions, solids and liquids, anima...
The K-2 training sessions Box Cars and One Eyed Jacks have provided for teacher in WFISD are always organized, informative, engaging and FUN.You are amazing! Nikki Davis 1st-2nd Grade Curriculum Specialist Wichita Falls, TX John and Jane are real gems to work with. They have worked with...
Other activities View Details G3 Game: Skip count by 2 to 6 (forwards and backwards, short version) Sequences View Details G3 Order whole numbers Numbers up to 1,000 View Details G3 Create and add whole numbers using place value
Although standardized testing is one way to monitor students understanding and knowledge of curriculum, it has also created stress for students and worry for the parents. I remember when we had no marks on the report cards in the element...