K2 - 數字的英文 (0-12) K2 - 倒數 (<10) Counting Backwards [量度] 認識長度 Measuring Object Length K2 - 長和短 (最長和最短) Long and Short (Longest and Shortest)
Welcome to Math Salamanders Preschool Math Worksheets. Here you will find a selection of free preschool worksheets which will help your child learn to identify, count and match numbers up to 5. These worksheets will are a great way to practice simple counting and recognising numbers up to 5....
countingto 12 How To Use These Free Printable Preschool Math Worksheets: This pack of Valentine’s Day worksheets for preschoolers comes with five different activities to choose from. You can prepare them all at the same time and then they will be ready whenever you need a quick and fun acti...
Come and take a look at our dot-to-dot pages, or our free counting worksheets. Perhaps you would like to try our preschool size worksheets or number recognition pages. Hopefully you will find something here to meet your child's preschool math requirements!
Over 1000 FREE Math Worksheets to help kids practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, telling time, money and more for K-6th graders.
This Free online application, "Easy Homeschool Preschool Math Counting Worksheets", is the most effective ways to teach children letters and numbers. It is particularly designed for preschoolers to 2nd graders. Learning the alphabet is very important and leading to child's successful entry into the...
With this app, your children can learn numbers from 1 to 10 by counting things shown in each game level. It is fun and you can download and play for free!
Kindergarten, Activity Type, Counting, Grade Levels, Matching, Matching Game, Math, Preschool/Pre-K, Puzzles, WorksheetsKim Staten Kim Staten is a mother of four children ages 20, 19, 16, and 12. Kim has taught at the preschool, kindergarten and early elementary levels for 16 years. With...
Animal Preschool Math Worksheets –Counting Cards and Counting Mats (Guest post on 3 Boys and a Dog)Recommended Math ManipulativesMath counters can help kids see them work out math problems when they start to run out of fingers. They’re also great for visualizing math problems, never teach ...
Counting Exercises Addition Exercises Subtraction Exercises Writing and Tracing Numbers Telling Time Graphs Preschool/ Kindergarten/ 1st Grade Math Activities Math Activities for Preschool; Math Practice for Kindergarten; Math Exercises for First Grade .We have resources for teachers and parents of Preschool...