Calculator School- a large number of calculators for use in many subjects Calculator Soup- loan, mortgage, time value of money, math, algebra, trigonometry, fractions, physics, statistics, time & date and conversions calculators; many show work or equations that help you understand the calculations...
Educators Battle Over Calculator Use: Both Sides Claim Casualties The philosophical war rages. On one side: the accused "kill and drillers," dedicated to times tables and long division, preaching the gospel of repetition and memorization. On the other side: alleged "fuzzy math" reformers preachin...
Laying out ovals by the string and pin method. Formulas and calculator. Cones Laying out cones to make chimney caps, funnels etc. Punching Force Chart and calculator with punching force in tons for round hole or blanking. Riveting Force ...
As you may already know,Danica McKellar, the actress and UCLA mathematics alumnus, has recently launched her book “Math Doesn’t Suck“, which is aimed at pre-teenage girls and is a friendly introduction to middle-school mathematics, such as the arithmetic of fractions. The book has receive...