This series of tutorials is focused on classical machine learning (regression, classification, dimensional reduction, and so on). I will discuss the basics, the math behind models, and how to implement them. Introduction to medical image analysis Articlesnotebookdescription Introduction to medical imag...
Children with DLD lagged behind their educational age counterparts in both verbal and non-verbal numerical skills. A connection between the ability to recall arithmetic facts and naming fluency was found, while differences in non-verbal numerical skills were not explained by measured cognitive skills ...
Our model would have limited expansiveness, no greater than logistic regression. The non-linearity element allows for greater flexibility and creation of complex functions during the learning process. The activation function also has a significant impact on the speed of learning, which is ...
The purpose of this repository is not to implement machine learning algorithms by using 3rd party library one-liners but rather to practice implementing these algorithms from scratch and get better understanding of the mathematics behind each algorithm. That's why all algorithms implementations are cal...
you need to excel in mathematics. Mathematics can enhance analytical thinking, a skill that’s vital in AI. People often think AI is magic, but it isn’t. It’s mathematics that creates the magic behind these inventions. To lead in today’s AI-driven world, you need to master mathematica...
In this article, we have looked at the mathematics behind the machine learning techniques linear regression, linear discriminant analysis, logistic regression, artificial neural networks, and support vector machines. For more details about the math behind machine learning, visit:Math for Machine Learning...
These findings serve as useful baseline data to compare with student outcomes during and after the No Child Left Behind Act and will ultimately inform transition planning for secondary students with disabilities.doi:10.1177/1044207312468766Lombardi, A....
Math Academy, LLC. is now officially registered and listed on UC's Directory of Online Publishers. Your home school may add our courses to their list through their UC course management portal so we are able to issue transcripts to you for official UC a-g credit. ...
The mathematics behind the proposed models is rather simple and can be implemented in an Excel file that can be used by most decision makers and medical doctors. Based on real data that most countries/regions produce daily, these regression models can be identified in terms of their adaptive ...
SVM, logistic regression and Perceptron learning are commonly used linear classification model in machine learning. The three models can be unified under the same mathematical optimization framework, with each method corresponds to a different loss function. This book elaborates and shows how to transfo...