That Mrs. Grayson is great and that is the first teacher I’ve ever had that actually was able to teach math properly. I would say that I have failed or almost failed every math class I’ve taken and this is the first class I’ve done genuinely well on. I’ve never had to stress...
是因为太简单了,只有我不知道么?请指教[泪] @星空下的巫师 @ICT秦磊 @丕子 @欢乐的陈奇 @JOSHUA的时间轴 @孙炜晨 @木乱人先生 @好东西传送门 [ 微博 ]2014-10-14 [good] 期待!//@许扬逸Dijkstra: ThinkBayes中译版已经完成翻译,译者不才正是在下[黑线]。应该最近就会由人民邮电社出版。敬请期待! [ ...