在JavaScript中,要计算一个数的绝对值,可以使用Math对象提供的Math.abs()方法。该方法接受一个数字作为参数,并返回该数字的绝对值。 3. 示例代码 以下是一个示例代码,演示了如何使用Math.abs()方法来计算一个数的绝对值: javascript // 计算-5的绝对值 var number = -5; var absoluteValue = Math.abs(numbe...
Math.abs(x)-- 返回数字的绝对值 abs是absolute value的缩写,中文"绝对值"的意思 引用网址:http://www.dreamdu.com/javascript/Math.abs/ abs函数语法 Math. abs ( x ) ; abs函数参数 x -- 为number类型的数字。 abs函数返回值 返回x的绝对值 abs函数示例 document. write (Math. abs (6) ) ;docume...
Math.trunc(-1.1)// -1 Math.max([value1[, value2[, ...]]]) 求传入所有数值中的最大值 Math.max(1,2,3,4)// 4 constnums = [1,2,3,4] Math.max(...nums)// 4 Math.min([value1[, value2[, ...]]]) 求传入所有数值中的最小值 Math.min(1,2,3,4)// 1 constnums = [1...
Number.MIN_VALUE可表示的最小值 Number.NaN特指“非数字” Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY特指“负无穷”;在溢出时返回 Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY特指“正无穷”;在溢出时返回 Number.EPSILON表示1和比最接近1且大于1的最小Number之间的差别 Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGERJavaScript最小安全整数. ...
Learn how to use Math.abs() in JavaScript to get the absolute value of a number. Discover tips and examples for effective coding.
The JavaScript abs() function return the absolute value or modulus |x| of a real number x is the non-negative value of x without regard to its sign.
In JavaScript, we can use the method to get the absolute value of a given number. Note: The absolute value of number is never negative…
This JavaScript tutorial explains how to use the math function called abs() with syntax and examples. In JavaScript, abs() is a function that is used to return the absolute value of a number.
Syntax of JavaScriptMath.abs(): Math.abs(number); Parameter numberThe number for which we need to find the absolute value. This method’s return value is the absolute value of the given number. This method will returnNaNif the value is a string, an empty object, or an array with more...
Home » Javascript » JS Math Object Methodsabs(x) method: absolute value1 2 var x = -3; Math.abs(x); //|-3| = 3 acos(x) method: arccosine of x, in radians1 var x = Math.acos(0.5); //x = 1.047197 asin(x) method: arcsine of x, in radians...