time gets familiar with the days of the week and months of the year. gets a feel for the sequence of seasons (varying locally). sequences the events occurring over longer periods in terms of dates/days. data handling (6 hrs.) collects data through measurement. represents the data followed...
We missed doing a Challenge this week. Can we still do it later? A:Yes! The challenges are open all year long. But it would be better to submit the Math Challenge before Monday morning, and it will be counted for the previous...
You have: A treatment plan: [3] Every patient gets 3 units of the cure on their first day. A list of patients: [1 2 3 4 5] Your patient count for the week (1 person Monday, 2 people on Tuesday, etc.). Question: How much medicine do you use each day? Well, that's just...
One of the teachers I met (I will call her Maria) is about to release her first group of students she has been working with for the last 3-4 years. (In many Hungarian schools, a group (their class) of students is assigned a single math teacher, four years. So students keep the sa...
On Thursday, Madhar ate 1/3 of what was left. On Friday, Mikenna was back at it and ate 1/2 of what was left. How many M&Ms were left for the party on Saturday? (Bonus: During the week, who ate more M&Ms, Madhar or Mikenna?) A number n is said to be amenable if there...
Archive.Imo.Imo2019Q2 import Archive.Imo.Imo2019Q4 import Archive.Imo.Imo2020Q2 import Archive.Imo.Imo2021Q1 import Archive.Imo.Imo2024Q6 import Archive.MiuLanguage.Basic import Archive.MiuLanguage.DecisionNec import Archive.MiuLanguage.DecisionSuf import Archive.OxfordInvariants.Summer2021.W...
On the test day, 6 were absent, and the remaining students took the test. The test was graded on a scale from 0 to 80 points. The average point score for the students that took the test was 64. At the end of the week, the 6 students that were absent took a make-up test scaled...
p5 ¨ 3q2 ` 13, where parentheses indicate that the square acts on p5 ¨ 3q as a whole and not on 3 alone. Exercises E1.1 Solve for the unknown x in the following equations: a) 3x ` 2 ´ 5 " 4 ` 2 b) 1 2 x ´ 3 " ?3 ` 12 ´ ?3 c) 7x´4 2 `1 " 8´...