Use our tables below to map our worksheets to deliverable skills from the 1st Grade Common Core framework. Click the links in the ‘worksheets’ section to navigate to applicable worksheets for each of the core competencies. Deliverable Skills:Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtr...
Welcome to the Math Salamanders First Grade Mental Math Worksheets. Here you will find a wide range of Mental Math Worksheets for 1st graders which will help your child to learn number facts and practise their number skills. Mental Math Worksheets ...
These grade 1 worksheets introduce students to fractions. The focus is on gaining a conceptual understanding of what a fraction means; this is largely approached by comparing fractions to simple shapes which have been divided into equal parts. Fractions of a group or set are also introduced. "Eq...
Partitioning Shapes 1st Grade Math Worksheets Adding Up To 4-Digit Numbers Using Place Value 2nd Grade Math Worksheets Comparing 2-digit Numbers Using Symbols 1st Grade Math Worksheets Comparing 3-Digit Numbers 2nd Grade Math Worksheets Creating Composite Figures 1st Grade Math Worksheets Subtracting Num...
Visit Subtraction Games to explore a series of fun math games for 1st graders, and solve subtraction problems having a blast! Geometry Distinguish between defining attributes and non-defining attributes of shapes. To partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares. Reason with shape...
Welcome to our First Grade Math Worksheets Halloween page. Check out our range of fun counting, coloring, puzzle and challenges with a Halloween theme designed for first graders. First Grade Math Worksheets Halloween There are a range of first grade math worksheets we have created with a hallowee...
Explore Kindergarten Math Worksheets 1 Grade 1 Math Worksheets Learn about solving addition and subtraction word problems using different strategies, telling time, counting money connecting shapes and their attributes and other concepts that your child will learn in 1st grade. Explore 1st Grade Math...
1st Grade Games Tug Team Tugboat Addition Game 2nd Grade Games Ducky Race Subtraction Game 3rd Grade Games Dolphin Dash - Coin Counting 4th Grade Games Math Pac Man 5th Grade Games Martian Hoverboards 6th Grade Games Dirt Bike Proportions
Math Lessons for a Living Education: Level 1 is a Christian homeschool math curriculum designed to ignite a love for math in your first-grade level students.
1st Grade Games, Videos and WorksheetsFirst grade math introduces new subjects like double- and triple-digit addition, comparing numbers, and identifying geometric shapes, which can be intimidating for young children when first introduced. The best way to help your students or children master these ...