Using the 193 cm length given for the similarly sized scapula Sa 9, we can deduce a reasonable total estimate of 238 cm for the scapulocoracoid.[3] Estimated by Janensch (1950b:99) based on cross-scaling from the fibula and ilium of Find J from the Upper Saurian Marl.[4] This is ...
Clark, D.B., Tanner-Smith, E., Killingsworth, S.: Digital games, design, and learning: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Rev. Educ. Res. 86(1), 79–122 (2016) Article Google Scholar Cocea, M., Hershkovitz, A., Baker, R.S.: The impact of off-task and gaming behaviors...
spatio-temporal or volcanic hazard assessment. A full probabilistic spatio-temporal volcanic hazard assessment includes a base step and three sequential steps, each of which has to be run separately. The base step (called here ‘Step 0’; Fig.1a), loads the fileMatHaz0.mand generates...
Math. Mag. 61, 148-163, 1988b.Chudnovsky, D. V. and Chudnovsky, G. V. "Approximations and Complex Multiplication According to Ramanujan." In Ramanujan Revisited: Proceedings of the Centenary Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, June 1-5, 1987 (Ed. G. E. Andrews, B. ...