Khan Academy - Math - ArithmetricA collection of the Khan Academy Math Arithmetric videos, collated for the benefit of WizFolio Users. The Khan Academy is a non-profit organization on a mission., Number Of Items:33Math, Video, Arithmetric...
Probability 概率|Statistics and probability 统计和概率|Math 数学|Khan Academy 可汗学院共计42条视频,包括:P1 Intro to theoretical probability 理论概率简介、P2 Simple probability: yellow marble 简单概率:黄色大理石、P3 Simple probability: non-blue marble
Anonymous July 19, 2011 khan academy is a good help to every one Anonymous December 08, 2011 good jog and i am also thankful to him who provide us a good learning method...thanx Anonymous January 03, 2012 please send lecture about long day and short day plant中文...
#I can share##math##khan academy kids# 大名鼎鼎的可汗学院,网易公开课上也有很多可汗学院出品的视频。这个视频讲的是20以内的加减法,启发到我的是他加入了位数的概念,这个是我之前没注意到的,see,我家数学真不能我亲自上阵鸡娃…btw,我学会了在视频里嵌字幕~后面你们看到的视频大部分都能带上字幕啦!!! L...
上周,萱爸抽空下载了最新安卓版的Khan Academy Kids。因为该软件太大,分享链接也会失效,我已经放到百度网盘群的群文件,有需要的朋友在后台回复关键字“资源群”,加入百度网盘群。 宣元妈妈家:可汗学院幼儿版Khan Academy Kids,美国全免费英文全科启蒙神器61 赞同 · 106 评论文章 ...
网址: 这是由麻省理工学院及哈佛大学商学院毕业生萨尔曼·可汗在2006年创立的一所非营利教育机构。 机构通过网络提供一系列免费课程,非常系统和完善,覆盖孩子从学前到大学,从数学科学到艺术人文学科。 一般每集在10-20分钟,语言本身不是特别难,不过还是更适合有高章阅读基础的娃进行学术...
Math Education: Khan Academy Has Inspired Both Unconditional Love and Virulent Criticism. but the Controversy around the Videos Has Sparked Something Truly Valuable: A National Conversation about Math Instruction and the Role of Technology, Data, and Teachers in Helping Students Learn...
powers of zero Lesson 6: Exponent properties intro(指数运算性质) Lesson 7: Negative exponents Lesson 8: Exponent properties (integer exponents) Lesson 9: Working with powers of 10 Lesson 10: Scientific notation intro khanac...
Khan Academy July 31, 2013tomcircle Education, Elementary Math, Modern Math, Uncategorized 2 Comments I find Khan Linear Algebra video excellent. The founder / teacher Sal Khan has the genius to explain this not-so-easy topic in modular videos steps by steps, from 2-dimensional vectors to ...
Khan Academy 更多视频 相关概念 多项式 多项式是代数学中的基础概念,是由称为未知数的变量和称为系数的常数通过有限次加减法、乘法以及自然数幂次的乘方运算得到的代数表达式。多项式是整式的一种。未知数只有一个的多项式称为一元多项式;例如就是一个三项一元二次多项式。未知数不止一个的多项式称为多元多项式,例如...