THE LENGTH OF MATERNITY LEAVE AND ITS STATUTORY PAY AS A DETERMINANT OF WOMEN'S PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY The purpose of the paper is an attempt to assess the impact of the length of maternity leave as the basis for the payment of maternity allowance under soci... M Pasternak-Malicka - 《...
The article discusses the rights and responsibilities of both employees and employers with regards to maternity leave under the Irish employment law. Ireland's Maternity Protection Acts of 1994 and 2004 allows pregnant female employees to take maternity leave if they are breastfeeding within 26 weeks...
The Maternity and Parental Leave etc. (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006doi:2006 No. 372介绍性文本1.引文,生效和解释2.在本条例中,"主要条例"是指产妇和3.申请4.对主要条例的修正5.在条例2(1)(解释)中,在"法定休假"的定义之后.6.在条例4(享有普通产假)中-7.省略条例5(享有普通产假...
Each parent is entitled to 32 weeks of parental leave after the first 10 weeks of maternity leave in Denmark. Parental leave can be started by a father or co-mother before the first 14 weeks following the child's birth. Working parents, however, have the option of extending their leave fr...
in the USSR, leave granted to women industrial, office, professional, and kolkhoz workers for a period of 56 calendar days before parturition and 56 calendar days after parturition, with payment of benefits for that period provided by state social insurance. In the event of abnormal childbirth ...
We further establish that greater reliance on employer liability may be the main mechanism behind the unintended effects, highlighting the importance of payment schemes. This study provides novel evidence and mechanisms for the labor market effect of maternity leave in women of childbearing age and ...
John Walshe
year payment,maternityleave pay, damages for wrongful termination of an employee’s [...] [...] 號)(“修訂條例”)修訂 《僱傭條例》(第 57章 )(“該條例”),以修改代通知金、不當地終止合約的 損害賠償、年終酬金、產假薪酬、在僱員懷孕期間不當地終止其合約 ...
Wherethehospital stayisforanextended pe riod, some mothers may choosetoreturntoworksoastokeep portionsoftheirMaternityLeavetocareforand bondwiththebaby when eventually discharged. Such awomanmay applyforthe(broken) paymentofbenefit, wherethebalanceofthebenefitpayments are paidwhenshe re sumesherleaveto...
The Maternity and Parental Leave etc. (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015doi:2015 No. 104介绍性文本1.引用和开始2.对1993年《产假和育儿假等条例》(北爱尔兰)的修正.在条例13中,第15条(可休育儿假)删去第(1A)款第4款,代之以第18条第(1)款第5款(附表2第2款第6款后返回的权利)(关于...