Materials Sciences and Applications是材料科学与应用,投稿方向主要是新材料和材料的应用领域。SCI未收录。ISSN Print: 2153-117X ISSN(国际标号) Online: 2153-1188 Website(官网): E-mail(邮箱): Google-based Impact Factor(影响因子)...
【Materials Sciences and Applications(MSA)特刊征稿|材料物理学研究】材料物理学是一门新兴交叉学科,主要从物理学原理出发研究材料结构、特性与性能。其研究对象既包括自然材料(如金属、陶瓷、塑料等),也涵盖各种新型人工合成材料(如纳米材料、复合材料等)。目前,材料物理学的研究正在不断深入,并在新能源、电子信息、...
请问Materials Sciences and Applications是核心期刊吗?审稿周期大约多长时间?影响因子多少呀?
npj 2D Materials and Applications 9.324 32 CARBON 8.821 33 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8.758 34 Applied Materials Today 8.352 35 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN SOLID STATE AND MATERIALS SCIENCES 8.344 36 CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCH 8.328 37 Advanced Optical Materials 8.286 38 JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES 8....
期刊名称:《Materials Sciences and Applications》 | 2011年第5期 14.Discontinuous Precipitation and Dissolution in Cu-4, 6 at% In Alloy under the Effect of Plastic Deformation and the Temperature 机译:塑性变形和温度影响下合金中Cu-4、6 at%的不连续析出和溶解 作者:Said Bensaada;Hamoudi Mazouz;Mo...
npj 2D Materials and Applications 9.324 32 CARBON 8.821 33 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8.758 34 Applied Materials Today 8.352 35 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN SOLID STATE AND MATERIALS SCIENCES 8.344 36 CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCH 8.328 37 Advanced Optical Materials 8.286 38 JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES 8....
我在Materials Sciences and Applications 杂志(美国的新杂志,未被SCI收录)上发了篇英文文章,一个月...
材料类期刊影响因子 Materials Science JournalDataFilteredBy:SelectedJCRYear:2018SelectedEditions:SCIESelectedCategories:'MATERIALSSCIENCE,MULTIDISCIPLINARY'SelectedCategoryScheme:WoS Rank FullJournalTitle TotalCites JournalImpactFactor EigenfactorScore 1 NatureReviewsMaterials 2 NatureEnergy 3 NATUREMATERIALS 4 Nature...
Materials Sciences and Applications Materials Sciences and Applications, 2012, 3, 151-156 Published Online March 2012 ( 151 Testing the Use of Coconut Fiber as a Cushioning Material for Transport Packaging Clívia D....
Materials Sciences and Applications 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 168 作者: VS Amar 摘要: This paper reports sonication derived powdered mixtures of NiFeOand ceramic nanoparticles such as ZrO/YO/YSZ for Hgeneration from thermochemical water-splitting process. To prepare powdered mixtures, Ni...