With 3-matic’s tools, you can use the patient’s anatomy as the starting point to design personalized devices, 3D anatomical models, and create FEA/CFD meshes.
With Materialise 3-matic, you can rectify rough data for simulation or convert the mesh back to CAD. Moreover, it allows you to enhance your design for Additive Manufacturing by creating 3D textures, lattice structures and conformal structures. Last but not least, 3-matic also includes scripting...
Max解释说:“物件的网格化完全可以用Materialise 3-matic实现。”在满足结构分析的情况下,可以直接将Materialise 3-matic中的设计传输至计算机辅助制造(CAM)系统进行打印。通过3D打印两个缩小的发动机支架模型,证明了其与增材制造的兼容性。 巨大的成功 Max的研究表明,Materialise 3-matic能执行之前描述的工作流程中所定...
《Materialise3-matic牙齿种植导板制作课程》一、讲师介绍 罗老师,从事口腔临床16年,2017接触医学数字化后...
Materialise 3-matic11.02016-11-142017-05-022017-11-022017-05-022019-05-022019-05-02 Materialise 3-matic12.02017-05-022018-05-312018-11-302018-05-312020-05-312020-05-31 Materialise 3-matic13.02018-05-312019-06-042019-12-042019-06-042021-06-042021-06-04 ...
Materialise 3-matic: Design a 3D Conformal Structure This video shows how to design a structure conformal to the surface of your model. The 3-matic patterning function generates 3D patterns that follow the curvature of the part. Materialise 3-matic: Design a Randomized Structure This video shows...
Materialise 3-matic 11.0 生成点阵结构是Materialise 3-matic 11.0 点阵教程的第15集视频,该合集共计19集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
3D打印前处理软件Materialisemagics及晶格点阵表面结构设计软件Materialise 3-matic成交候选人公示 预成交结果公示 采购编号:HYBII-05-HW-GKJT-231139 项目名称:3D打印前处理软件Materialisemagics及晶格点阵表面结构设计软件Materialise 3-matic 采购人:中国核动力研究设计院 采购代理机构:中科信工程咨询(北京)有限责任公司...
Materialise 3-matic: Design Gradient Thickness Structures Exportable to FEA This video shows how to implement a lightweight structure with a linear gradient thickness on the structure. This structure is then prepared to be exported for Finite Element Analysis. Materialise 3-matic: Design a 3D Confor...